Golf and Low Back Pain (Part 1)
Because the golf swing involves an array of complex one-sided body movements, at some point virtually every golfer will experience an acute (active) injury or chronic (long standing) back pain!
– 53 % of male and 45% of females suffer low back pain
– As many as 30% of Professional Golfers are playing injured.
– 33% of golfers are over the age of 50.
– Playing golf and another sport increases chance of injury by 40%
Researchers have concluded that a majority of injuries affecting golfers originate in the low back (Lumbar Spine) and are related to improper Spine Mechanics which leads to improper swing mechanics due to/ and because of the nature of the swing. When a high velocity rotary force couples with trunk side-bending (the crunch factor), the golfer’s spine and para-vertebral tissues undergo traumatic stress!
It’s no wonder low back pain (LBP) is the most common musculoskeletal complaint among golfers.
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