May 17, 2012 By emassey 0

3 Reasons to Improve Your Golf Flexibility

Imagine for a second………You address the ball with the only thought is that of the target. Not a single moment wasted on what your body needs. No thought on the shoulder position, weight shifting or the extra tension as you complete your balanced follow thru.

Just the flag………….Are you able to do that on every swing? Why Not?

Because most golfers lack sufficient flexibility to perform with optimal swing mechanics.

Here is how the golf game changes when the spine has optimal functional flexibility.

One immediately becomes more teachable!

This may be the greatest benefit that The 10 Minute CushionTM can offer a golfer, Optimal Spinal Flexibility for golf.

A golfer invests time and hundreds if not thousands in professional golf instruction. If you have not then it is strongly recommended at your earliest opportunity.

Why? Because the level of ones skill at playing golf is one of the most important components of your performance on the course. Stretching is not the only program to become a great golf, its is part of the overall picture. But here is the problem. All the professional instruction in the world cannot help you become a better golfer, if your spine won’t allow you to move the way the instructor requires. Optimal Spinal Flexibility in your spine eliminates the some of the road blocks to developing a higher level of golf.

Your Swing Becomes More Consistent.

A lack of spinal flexibility in your golf swing leads to compensation thru the body or your club face. One can perform swing drills to “fix” the problems, but simply create another fault.

Most swing faults are biomechanical faults associated with restricted range of motion thru the spine and the joints of the body. The 10 Minute CushionTM will help you create flowing functional flexibility in your spine allowing for easier swing mechanics and straighter more consistent drives.

You will Hit Longer!

Optimal Spinal Flexibility allows golfers to achieve what is called a loaded position at the top of the backswing. What this means is that the joints of the ankle, knee, hip, spine and shoulders are put in such a position where the muscles produce the most of your club-head speed are in a stretched elongated position.

When the muscle system is stretched and elongated with optimal spinal flexibility a golfer can unload the chain of golf movements harder and faster with more consistency which produces more club-head speed, greater impact on the ball, and driving distance. The 10 Minute CushionTM will bring you Optimal Spinal Flexibility.